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Tofu Dosa

This recipe is a tasty and nutritious twist on a classic South Indian dish. This vegan version of the traditional dosa recipe replaces the typical

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Vegan Rice Kheer

Rice kheer is a wet pudding type dish popular in the Indian subcontinent, usually made by boiling milk and adding rice, sugar, and nuts. Rice can be substituted by daals, millets, vermicelli, and wheat. It is offered as Prasadam in various temples and puja rituals across the country.
It can be served hot or cold. Alternative names for this popular dish are Payasam, Payesh, and Ksheeram.
There are many variations of Rice Kheer. Here we are sharing an easy and delicious vegan version.


  1. 3 Tbsp Basmati Rice
  2. ⅓ Cup Jaggery Powder
  3. 1 Tbsp Almonds
  4. 1 Tbsp Raisins
  5. 4 Cups of coconut milk
  6. Coconut Milk, if needed to adjust the consistency
  7. 8-10 Saffron strands
  8. 1 Tbsp Chopped Pistachios
  9. 2 Tbsp Coconut Oil
  10. ½ Tbsp Rosewater
  11. A pinch of salt


Wash and rinse the rice. Soak rice for 15 minutes. Strain the rice and crush it in the stone crusher coarsely.
Soak almonds and raisins overnight.
Add 1 Tbsp of Coconut oil to a pot and coarsely ground rice. Saute it for a minute. Add coconut milk. Allow it to boil on medium-high flame. Keep stirring it occasionally.
Once it starts boiling, turn the flame to low. Put a lid and stir it occasionally.
Cook it for 10-15 minutes.
Once the rice is cooked well, Add jaggery and mix it well.
Add crushed cardamom, overnight soaked almonds, raisins, and more coconut milk to adjust the consistency according to your preference. Cook for 2-3 minutes.
Add saffron strands.
Add rose water. Turn off the heat.
Garnish it with saffron and chopped pistachios, and serve!

– Recipe by Sana Shaikh (Instagram: The Rainbow Bite)

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